Well, firstly (and probably most importantly for you) I'm a registered marriage celebrant. I live under the mountain in the small village of Pirongia, near Te Awamutu and am happily married to Stephen with three adult sons and eight delicious grandchildren. I love spending time in my garden, especially with our grandchildren.
I also enjoy a game or two of badminton, fishing in the Raglan harbour (when the fish are biting,) reading (usually a good thriller) and I'm learning to play golf (although I have to admit I've got a long way to go). I'm very passionate about being a marriage celebrant and feel privileged to be chosen by couples to officiate at their wedding. I really enjoy meeting and working with them to help make their wedding ceremoney a special one. I'm a member of the Celebrants Assocication of New Zealand, attend lots of workshops and spend time with other celebrants so I'm always learning new ways to make wedding ceremonies the best they can be.